There are three Acacia pycnanthas on the property. All were planted as tubestock, donated by Bonnie Humphries from the local landcare group. One of the plants did not survive, but the three that did survive were planted at slightly different times, and at opposite ends of the property: one in the Stump Circle at the northern end, and two in the Upper South Paddock. The first images on the page are of the pycnantha in the Stump Circle, but according to my records, this one was planted later than the others, in April 2018. This location is more open than the place where the other two are planted, and there is no close competition from other trees and bushes as with the two in the Upper South Paddock.

The next image is of the pycnantha doing well in the Upper South paddock. The aspect is north facing, so lack of light is not an issue here, but there are several well established Grey Boxes behind it.

The final image in this post is of the pycnantha planted slightly further down in the South Paddock, one which has always struggled – several breakages and bitings from passing kangies or hares? and the close proximity to the Sloe Plums which are extremely weedy. This is the first year that it has flowered, and its form is rather leggy and very different from the other two.