Just some photos of the changes in the Stump Circle, where it’s dominated now by an Acacia pycnantha. Other natives growing there now inlcude an Eremophila, an E. lansdowneana, an Olearia, and a Philoteca.
The first photo was taken in February 2019, which doesn’t seem so long ago now, but it surprises me to see what it used to look like in comparison to what is looks like now (at time of posting, August 2022), and considering that I treated that patch as a type of afterthought.

The next photo was taken a few months later, with the young A. pycnantha, Eremophila, and E. lansdowneana taking root. The house, and washing on the line can also be seen in the background. Obviously, winter rains had not started when this was taken. The larger tree looming behind the house on the left of the photo is a grand E. melliodora.

In this photo, taken on a rainy day in early August 2022, the windmill is visible as a marker. The large tree to the right and behind the driveway is a self-seeded Acacia mearnsii. They grow fast. The spots of yellow on the ground show where I’ve tried to sporadically get rid of soursob, one of the banes of my life – apart from rabbits.
And here’s a closer up look at that A. pycnantha in flower in August 2022. Thanks Bonnie Humphreys of Connecting Country for the little tubestock..