Acacias in flower early Spring 1: Acacia boormanii
Starting with the four A. boormanii (Snowy River Wattle) planted in various places around the plot
Acacia boormanii. Mid South paddock. Image taken August 2022. Planted August 2018
This one was originally planted with a good space (so I thought) between it and the A. mearnsii next to to it, but it has since needed to grow at an angle to get out of under …
Acacia boormanii. Lower South paddock. Image taken August 2022. Planted November 2018Acacia boormanii. Upper South paddock. Image taken August 2022. Planted September 2017Acacia boormanii. Front ex-weed patch. Image taken August 2022. Planted November 2018
More wattles in flower to come in the following post…